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Li River with Xingpingzhen and Yangshuo
This pictures show two tours on different days.

Tour 1: 2019-09-11 (see blue route in map)
Start in Guilin, Daxuzhen: short rafting at the Li-river, Tourist-trap close to Beifenxiao Village/Guilin, Selling-Bus-Tour to Yangshuo, Self-exploring to Hebaoshan, last train from Xingpingzhen to Guilin.

Tour 2 2019-09-14:
Start in Guilin, heading to Mopanshan Pier, Boat trip to Yangshuo, Explore Yangshuo, Try to (night)walk by feet to Xingpingzhen, meet Florian with his motobike, failure due road-vanishing, hunting by dogs, village-mountain running, hitchhiking, Sleeping in Yangshuo-KFC, climbing Laozhai Hill, back to Guilin.

#Li-Jiang #Li-Fluss #Li-River #Li #Li-Jiang #漓江 #Lí-Jiāng #Daxuzhen #Hebaoshan #Xingpingzhen #兴坪镇 #Guangxi #廣西 #Yangshuo #陽朔縣 #阳朔县 #Pinyin-Yángshuò-Xiàn #Zhuang-Yangzsoz-Yen #20-yuan-view #20yuanview #twentyyuan
Erstellungszeitraum: 11.09.2019

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➥ Map of tour 1 and tour 2, blue line: tracking of tour 1

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➥ Start of the Li river tour with rafting

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➥ Start of the Li river tour with rafting in Daxuzhen

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➥ Start of the Li river tour with rafting in Daxuzhen

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➥ Start of the Li river tour with rafting in Daxuzhen

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➥ Sky at the Li river

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➥ Li river rafting

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➥ Daxuzhen visiting

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➥ Daxuzhen visiting

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➥ Daxuzhen visiting

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➥ Daxuzhen visiting

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➥ Tourist-trap fake city

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➥ Silly Souvenirs in the Tourist-trap fake city around Beifenxiao Village/Guilin

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➥ Tourist-trap fake city around Beifenxiao Village/Guilin

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➥ 20 yuan view

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➥ Tied up birds for tourists

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➥ Laozhai Hill

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➥ Hebaoshan view

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➥ Hebaoshan view

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➥ Hebaoshan view

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➥ Hebaoshan view

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➥ Hebaoshan view

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➥ Hebaoshan view

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➥ Hebaoshan view

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➥ Dance from boogiepp (Insta) at Hebaoshan mountain. A video is here available.

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➥ Panorama view from Hebaoshan mountain

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➥ View from Hebaoshan mountain

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➥ Back to train station

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➥ Last train to Guilin from Xingpingzhen train station - see last picture here with passengers at a normal day

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➥ Tour 2 was decided because a real Li river tour was sought - this provider did it :-)

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➥ The twin mountains at the Li river

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➥ Close to Yangshuo

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➥ Yangshuo art

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➥ Bike tour in Yangshuo

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➥ Bike tour in Yangshuo

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➥ Bike tour in Yangshuo

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➥ Bike tour in Yangshuo

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➥ Bike tour in Yangshuo

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➥ Big break to the next day, directly to Xingpingzhen with the motivation to climb up the Laozhai Hill

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➥ The walk to the Laozhai Hill in Xingpingzhen is not pleasing!

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➥ Sometimes there a great kinds for a stairway. The shoes were in the mud of the Li River the night before.

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➥ Top view from Laozhai Hill in Xingpingzhen.

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➥ Laozhai Hill in Xingpingzhen.

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➥ Top view from Laozhai Hill in Xingpingzhen.

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➥ View from Laozhai Hill in Xingpingzhen. Some people exaggerate.

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➥ The Xingpingzhen train station can be full. Please compare it with picture 47 :-)

Diese Galerie wurde mit Schlagwörtern gekennzeichnet.

Li_Jiang ■ Guangxi ■ Yangshuo 

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(c) Programmierung und Fotografien: Robert Wagner.

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